If you are one of the citizens of Cyprus and you are looking to travel to India, now may be a good time! As of February 18th, 2019, Visa has announced that it will be allowed for Cypriot citizens to travel to India visa-free. This is great news for people who have been wanting to visit India but have been unable to due to the visa requirement.
This visa exemption covers all aspects of travel: tourism, business, family visits, and more. So if you have been waiting for the perfect opportunity to explore India, this may be the time!
Apply For A Visa To India For Greek Citizens
If you are a Greek citizen and would like to travel to India, you will first need to apply for a visa. The visa application process is relatively easy and should only take a few days to complete. You will need to provide evidence of your citizenship, your passport pages, a recent photograph, and the fee payable. You can find more information on the Indian embassy website.
Requirements For A Tourist Visa To India For Greek
Requirements for a Tourist Visa to India for Greek nationals are as follows:
-A valid passport that is at least six months old
-A visa application form that can be downloaded from the Indian embassy website
-Two photos that are 2×2 inches and taken within the last six months
-The fee is $60 USD
Different Types Of India Visas For Greek Citizens
The Indian government has different types of visas available for Greek citizens. There are tourist visas, business visas, student visas, and other types of visas. The tourist visa is the most common type of visa for Greek citizens. It allows you to visit India for a period of up to 60 days. You must show proof of your identification, a passport with at least six months remaining until the end of your stay in India, and a return ticket. If you plan to stay longer than 60 days in India, you must apply for a longer-term visa. The business visa is good for people who want to work in India. It lets you stay in India for a period of up to three months. You must have an invitation from an Indian company and a letter from your employer stating that you will be working in that company. The student visa is good for people who want to study in India. It lets you stay in India for up to one year. You must have an invitation from an Indian university and student documentation showing that you will be studying there. Other types of visas are available for Greek citizens as well. To find out more about the different types of Indian visas available, contact the Indian embassy or consulate in Greece.
Benefits Of India Visa For Cyprus Citizens
The visa-free entry regime of India for Cypriot citizens allows tourists to stay in the country for a period of 30 days as well as undertake leisure activities. In addition, there are many other benefits that come with holding a visa to India – these include access to top tourist destinations, favourable currency rates, and a wide range of healthcare services.
For those who want to stay in India for an extended period of time, the Indian tourist visa offers a more relaxed entry regime. This allows applicants to stay in India for up to six months without obtaining a visa and also permits them to work while in the country. Allowing visitors more freedom to delve into the country’s culture and attractions is undoubtedly one of the benefits of applying for an Indian tourist visa.
Considering the fact that Cyprus is a full member of the European Union and visa-free travel is granted to citizens of countries in the Schengen Area, gaining a visa to India should not be difficult for anyone. However, before traveling to India it is always advisable to research the country’s visa requirements as several types of visas are required for different occasions. In addition, there are restrictions on which nationalities are allowed into India and significant documentation requirements must be met. Aside from these general guidelines, each individual applicant’s case will be determined on a case-by-case basis.